武装突袭 Wiki

Dynamic ambient parameters:

  • rain 0..1 rain intensity
  • windy 0..1 wind streght (0 m/s ->0, 20 m/s -> 1)
  • night 0..1 night "intensity"
  • deadBody 0..1 is the place close to a dead body? (0 m ->1, 10 m -> 0)

Static ambient parameters:

  • meadow 0..1 how much does the surrounding have a character of a meadow
  • trees 0..1 how many tress are growing in the area
  • forest 0..1 forest density
  • hills 0..1 how much is the place "hilly" (160 ASL -> 0, 400 ASL -> 1)
  • houses 0..1 how many houses or other building are around
  • sea 0..1 is the place close to a sea? (0 m->1, approx. 100 m->0)
  • waterDepth 0..M where M is the actual water depth, and 0 on land.
  • camDepth 0..1 ???


  • mathematical operators
  • randomGen N float from 0 to N
  • factor [p,q] (V-p/q-p) if p <= V <= q, 0 otherwise
  • interpolate [p,q,r,s] (V-p/q-p)*(s-r) + r

Parameters can be combined into Simple Expressions, like:

"meadow * (1 - rain) * (1 - night)"
"(10 - (5 * rain)) * (1 - sea) * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5])"
"sea - waterDepth" // neat way to retrieve the loveliest beaches/coastal places
"sea - waterDepth + (waterDepth factor [0.05, 0.5])" // ...even more fine tuning w.r.t water depth using factor!