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Menu Bar is the central control element of the Eden Editor, where all available options and tools are available. When adding a new functionality to the editor, you should strongly consider listing the feature there.

The menu bar is configured as a CT_MENU_STRIP, and it's possible to freely modify it from an addon. Because anyone can access the configuration, remember to tag your class names to make them unique (i.e., MyTag_AwesomeTool instead of just AwesomeTool).

Following code examples will show the most common ways how to extend the menu bar.

Tool[ | ]

When you're adding a tool which has its own isolated functionality, Tools section is the best place where to put it.

Single[ | ]

File:3den menuBar tool.jpg

class ctrlMenuStrip;
class display3DEN
	class Controls
		class MenuStrip: ctrlMenuStrip
			class Items
				class Tools
					items[] += {"ME_MyTool"}; // += must be used; you want to expand the array, not override it!
				class ME_MyTool
					text = "My Awesome Tool"; // Item text
					picture = "\MyAddon\data\myAwesomeTool_ca.paa"; // Item picture
					// Expression called upon clicking; ideally, it should call your custom function
					action = "[] call ME_fnc_MyAwesomeTool;";

Folder[ | ]

If your feature is more complex and one menu item would not be enough to control it, you can instead add a folder with all required options inside. File:3den menuBar toolFolder.jpg

class ctrlMenuStrip;
class display3DEN
	class Controls
		class MenuStrip: ctrlMenuStrip
			class Items
				class Tools
					items[] += {"ME_MyFolder"};
				class ME_MyFolder
					text = "My Awesome Folder...";
					items[] = {ME_MyTool1, ME_MyTool1}; // Links to items inside the folder
				class ME_MyTool1
					text = "My Awesome Tool 1";
				class ME_MyTool2
					text = "My Awesome Tool 1";

Scenario Attributes[ | ]

When you add a new window with scenario attributes (see Attributes Modding to learn how it can be achieved), the user will still need a way how to access it. The best way is to add a link to the window at the end of Attributes option.

File:3den menuBar attributes.jpg

class ctrlMenuStrip;
class display3DEN
	class Controls
		class MenuStrip: ctrlMenuStrip
			class Items
				class Attributes
					items[] += {"ME_MyAttributes"};
				class ME_MyAttributes
					text = "My Awesome Attributes";
					action = "edit3DENMissionAttributes 'MyScenarioAttributes';";